Irrigation History Marker


This marker is located at the intersection of W. Rapp Road and Wagner Creek Road in Talent.


GPS coordinates are:

N 42degrees, 14 minutes, 13.5 seconds

W 122 degrees, 47 minutes, 32.5 seconds


The marker is a traditional plaque mounted on a stone base.

It was installed in 1952 by the Oregon Reclamation Congress.

It is close to the location of the first known water right in Oregon, established in 1852 by Jacob Wagner to irrigate 69.4 acres.

The marker is a traditional plaque mounted on a stone base.

It was installed in 1952 by the Oregon Reclamation Congress.

It is close to the location of the first known water right in Oregon, established in 1852 by Jacob Wagner to irrigate 69.4 acres.

Research Date
Marker Placed By